Ā Blog

Does fundraising make you a good person? show ponies Dec 15, 2021

When I was 16 I was chosen to be in the Miss Victoria Awards in my country town in North East Victoria, Australia. My role was to raise money for a disability organisation and to do some volunteer teacher's aide work with a student who had high needs. I enjoyed this volunteer role, but I was...

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Ever gotten the jitters before something important? performance Dec 04, 2021

Whether you are preparing for a speaking gig, a podcast interview, a performance on stage, or asking someone to marry you, if you're breathing and got a heartbeat, you'll deal with some level of the jitters. It might not be the same level each time, but it sure will be a match for how...

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Learning someone's choreography? Don't do this! kings of joy performance show ponies Nov 25, 2021

I've been a dancer since I was 5 years old. There I was, standing outside the hall, peering in at all the other 5-year-old girls. I don't think I'd seen so many other girls my age in the one place at the one time. I was not going in there. So what happened? The teacher's aide promised me...

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The secret to distractions: dealing with kids, pets and yoga yoga Nov 23, 2021

One of my all-time favourite yoga photographs is of a woman in a headstand. Her baby has crawled over to her, pulled at her top, and started breastfeeding. The woman continues her steady gaze, following her breath, and practicing yoga. If you can practice yoga in the chaos around you, then you...

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5 reasons having a persona works on stage performance Nov 18, 2021

Many professional performers use the tool of a created persona to enhance their performance skills and elevate their presence on stage. Beyonce shares freely about the creation of her performance persona, Sascha Fierce. "Usually when I hear the crowd, when I put on my stilettos, the moment right...

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The truth about stopping a yoga practice yoga Nov 16, 2021

Having practiced yoga for over 20 years now, there have been times when I've paused my practice, phases when I've stopped and fallen off the horse completely, and seasons when I've not practiced every day.

There are times in life where a regular asana practice, the physical practice of yoga...

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What's the deal with world hunger these days? Nov 12, 2021

Why The Hunger Project?

Someone asked me the other day, why did I choose The Hunger Project to partner with? 

There are a couple of reasons, but before I get to them, I should tell you the story of how I came to fall in love with the work of The Hunger Project. I first heard of their work in...

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Top 5 reasons zero commute just makes sense for yoga yoga Nov 09, 2021

Imagine. Waking up in your cloud bed to the gentle sounds of 'om' washing over you. With a smile on your face, you remember what day it is - time to join yoga. You roll over, place your feet on the floor and there's your yoga gear folded and ready for you to put on. What? Oh! Your past self did...

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1 cup of rice until Christmas block 13 kings of joy queers of joy Nov 05, 2021

After the excitement of the last online show of Queers of Joy, where the Kings of Joy were interviewed and Lucretia, Festo and Fahad shared their dire situation in Block 13 and performed a harrowing lip sync to "We are the World, We are the Children...", the hype wore off quickly with a sobering...

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Get this drag off me! What can happen after a Drag King show performance Nov 02, 2021

Many people have heard of Drag Queens, but when I mention Drag Kings, there’s a moment. A pause. Often there’s not even a flicker of recognition. And so I always start with, “You’ve heard of a Drag Queen, right? Well, a Drag King is a woman dressing up as a man.” I...

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When wanting is not enough queer relating yoga Oct 26, 2021

Have you ever been perplexed by the things that you want to do but can’t bring yourself to do consistently? Maybe there were activities that you used to do when you were younger and now, even though you want to do them, for the life of you, you can’t seem to get them done.

Yoga has...

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Who do I work with? queer relating Oct 19, 2021

Hello, my friend!

In case we haven’t met yet, let me introduce myself. You might have questions about the work I do and who I work with.

I empower LGBTQIA+ people through the body using the modalities of dance, yoga and tantra so that we can stay sane, be 100% at home in our own skin and...

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