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But why Drag? 10 ways drag can make you a more rounded human. drag drag king kings of joy lgbtqia+ queer queer relating Apr 20, 2023

Imagine a place, a safe place, among people who get you on some level, who perhaps have a similar lived experience... imagine gathering together, week after week to lean into and explore gender. It's what I recommend in all my queer tantra workshops. Lean into a variety of gender expressions....

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The Power of Boundaries: Why Saying "No" Can Feel So Good empowerment lgbtqia+ queer queer relating relationships Apr 06, 2023

 Hey there, breathtaking human! Today, we're going to talk about something that's close to my heart – integrity and sex. As part of the LGBTQIA+ community, we know that sex can be complicated, but it's essential to approach it with honesty, respect, and love. So, let's dive in!


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Queer self-care after Sydney WorldPride empowerment habits lgbtqia+ queer queer relating the king coach Mar 18, 2023

Was anyone else completely exhausted by Fair Day with WorldPride? In Sydney we were hosting the Sydney WorldPride event. Normally you have Mardi Gras and that's a great festival. This year we had WorldPride, which was like Mardi Gras on steroids. It was epic. There were events,...

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The secret sauce to queer tantra queer relating Mar 11, 2023

What is it that takes everyday intimacy from everyday to tantric? There is one fundamental and integral secret ingredient...

So what is reverence?

Reverence is a feeling or attitude of deep respect, awe, and admiration towards something or someone believed to be sacred, holy, or deserving of...

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Physical body vs Energetic body queer relating Mar 02, 2023

We are most familiar with our physical body. Why? It's what we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. 

The ancient yogis recognised that we have a physical body, and we also have an energetic body - It sits about 10 cm above our physical body.

It may have a different shape than your physical...

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You are not alone queer relating Feb 27, 2023

There is a phenomenon that happens in many kinds of relationships, but in same-sex attraction, it can happen in a particular way. And it requires a different approach to transform it.

Although it's not talked about much, it is known as queer or lesbian bed death and if you've ever experienced it,...

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You were born this way queer relating Feb 10, 2023

Some things are an inside job that no one else can do for you. They are a gift that you give yourself. No one else can give it to you.

No, I’m not talking about self-love (although, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Thank you RuPaul)

No, I’m not...

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By god, I'm bi-gender! drag drag king empowerment energy human magnetism lgbtqia+ queer queer relating Jan 20, 2023

If you're anything like me, growing up in Australia, we were handed one of two genders. And it wasn't a choice. When we were born, it was declared, it's a boy! or it's a girl! (Imagine if there was a less prescriptive declaration made: It's a human!) Being assigned female or male meant that you...

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Am I speaking your language? empowerment habits human family queer relating Jul 27, 2022

When it comes to language, I assume that everyone speaks the same language as I do. I'm not talking about English as a language. I'm talking about the words I use where I assume anyone else I'm talking to has the same understanding and application of that word.

And if they don't, they have to...

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If you're tired of being tired, don't skip this practice empowerment habits human magnetism queer relating yoga Mar 22, 2022

Do you ever wake up tired of being tired? Low energy can impact our mood and in turn, impacts our capacity to feel good in the body. Here are five steps to turn around low energy. (Don't miss step five, it's a life-saver.)

Step one: Check-in with yourself.

Do you need a nap? I don't have time...

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The energy source that never runs out empowerment human magnetism performance queer relating yoga Mar 08, 2022

Where does energy come from? Where does our vitality come from? Rather than thinking of energy as a limited supply that we each individually get, try on imagining energy as an unlimited supply that never runs out. Picture it coming from a source bigger than yourself, from life itself, from the...

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How much pleasure can you stand? empowerment habits human magnetism queer relating the four pillars Mar 04, 2022

Right now, in this very moment, you and I have a certain capacity for pleasure. Once we reach this capacity, we often stop or don't go beyond this limit. It's the capacity of how much pleasure we can experience in one moment. 

Ever noticed how you can't let too much pleasure in? Think about...

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